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Times of Transition

Usually at this time of year we’re thinking about the holidays, the lights, our families, the ambiance, traveling, Santa Claus, the gifts, the meals, the snow, etc. Although those things are definitely on my mind, I feel compelled to address the process of Transition. There are many transitions happening for our practice members – in multiple ways; and in some cases, all at once! We can learn so much from our intelligently designed spines as models during these times of transition.

The brain, the master control panel of the body, is encased in hard bone that sets atop a cup-shaped dip on our first vertebra. There is a distinct key-lock fit to this junction. From there, the neck curves down and gradually meets with our back at our shoulders. Onward, our mid-back meets our low back with another curve that gives way to yet another juncture between our low back and tailbone. At our tailbone, which was once 5 separate bones, we have our last curve where the sacrum scoops toward the front. All of these transitions have commonalities: they are all gradual and smooth. It’s difficult to see exactly where one starts and the other begins. They all lead to different shaped curves, are formed at pivotal times in our lives, and allow us better mobility and adaptability as we grow.

Specifically, the transition between the neck and shoulders signifies seeing one’s own ‘big picture.’ This can only happen when we have the flexibility to see what’s beside us, in front, below, above and (only slightly) what’s behind us. This transition in the spine marks the experience of bringing into expression, through our throat, what is in our hearts or emotions: in other words, speaking your truth. This spinal curve develops when we learn to hold our heads up, nurse and crawl.

Moving from the mid back to the low back, this transition signifies those of personal power and courage. Those changes needing to be made that come from the very core of who you are; those transitions that may make you a bit queasy, yet are oftentimes life changing! This transition in our spine helps us stand upright and allows us to unfold, presenting who we are to the world. When we use this area of our body to its fullest, our personal power and strength are allowed to move through us with optimal force and energy expenditure. This is the place from which martial artists throw their most powerful hits or kicks, where athletes beat records, and from where mothers powerfully and gracefully birth their babies.

Our lumbar curve offers us stability. Formed as we learn to crawl, scoot and walk; this curve is strengthened as we learn to run and jump. Many of you know this is what I call the ‘F-Stop.’ Anything foundational in our lives – friends, family, finances, faith; they are all stored, filtered and experienced here. Transitions in this area are, like the curve just above, are big ones. These transitions are often ‘rooted’ in nature, either uprooting or deeply rooting.

All in all, clearing your nerve system and specifically these transitional areas of subluxation is just what the doctor ordered! With all of the changes and transitions taking place in people’s lives, I urge you to learn from your spine. It takes time and space for change to occur, gentle curves are healthier than hard pivots – you’ll be more adaptable and better positioned for your big picture. Lastly, it’s not always easy to see where transition begins and where it ends. Be compassionate with yourself and others during these times of change.

From our family to yours, we wish you all a very special, blessed, uplifting and prosperous holiday season! May the New Year bring about your deepest desires and your healthiest life experiences yet!


Dr. Corinne

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